Increased production with advanced irrigation

Improving the quality of irrigation water has positive effects on the physical and hydraulic properties of the soil, and as a result, increases the amount of crop production. Also, oxygen plays a very important role in plant respiration, which causes energy production and plant growth. Increasing the percentage of oxygen saturation in water improves the root structure and the activity of beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere. In nature, raindrops absorb oxygen from the air and by penetrating into the soil, they deliver the needed oxygen to the plant roots. Compared to rainwater, groundwater has a very low oxygen level and when used for irrigation, it has less effect on plant growth than rainwater.

Naturally, an effective and practical system can increase crop yield by improving the quality of irrigation water and increasing dissolved oxygen in irrigation water. It is very important to note that increasing dissolved oxygen alone cannot be an effective method because it can be quickly consumed by the biofilms inside the tube.

Nanobubble systems of Nanobubble Energy Company are a very effective supplement for irrigation of agricultural fields that can simultaneously improve water quality and increase dissolved oxygen in irrigation water. The nanobubbles produced by these systems quickly saturate the irrigation water with oxygen, and due to their very low buoyancy, they can remain immersed in the water for a long time and prevent the loss of oxygen.

The most important advantages of using nano bubble systems of Nano Bubble Energy Company in irrigation of agricultural fields are:

Improving the quality of irrigation water and increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen
Reduce water consumption
Improving the root structure and increasing the physical strength of the plant
Reduce fungal infections
Increase product production
