Improving the efficiency of hydroponics

With Nano Oxygen Vatox technology

Hydroponic cultivation

Hydroponic cultivation or water cultivation is one of the new technologies in the production of agricultural products, which is done without the need for a soil substrate, and the nutrients needed by the plant are provided through a nutrient solution. In the hydroponic system, the quality of the consumed water is of particular importance and has a direct effect on the root structure and absorption of nutrients. Also, the roots of plants need oxygen for their normal functioning, and therefore, increasing the percentage of oxygen saturation in water enables plants to absorb more oxygen through the roots, especially at night when they need more oxygen.

Vatox nano oxygen device

Vatox nano oxygen device manufactured by Nano Bubble Energy Company is a very effective supplement for any hydroponic system that can simultaneously improve water quality and increase dissolved oxygen in irrigation water. By producing a huge volume of nano oxygen bubbles, Vatox nano oxygen device quickly saturates irrigation water with oxygen and by changing and modifying the composition of irrigation water to a special two-phase oxygen transfer process, it increases water quality, increases absorption of nutrients and controls disease agents. is born

دستگاه نانواکسیژن واتوکس شرکت نانو حباب انرژی

The most important advantages of using
Nano-oxygen devices, Vat-Vox
In hydroponic cultivation

  • Improving the quality of irrigation water

  • Improving the root structure and increasing the physical strength of the plant

  • Increasing the resistance of plants against fungal diseases

  • Significant increase in product production

  • Improving the nutritional value of the product

  • Reduce water consumption
